Our planet is home to over ten thousand species of trees, each with its own name. But only one of them bears the name of a human being. This tree is redwood.
The German poet Heinrich Heine said: "As a great poet, nature produces the best results with the simplest means". In fact, when you stand at the feet of such an extraordinarily large living being, you wonder how such a magnificent tree can grow from a small seed. The redwood has survived prehistoric eons, a pair of giant lizards that walked the earth millions of years ago. The trees of this genus should remember the T-Rex that shout their battle cries, the brachiosaurs that scratch their necks against the powerful trunks and the pterodactyls that rest in the branches. These titans are the tallest and oldest trees in the world.
The German poet Heinrich Heine said: "As a great poet, nature produces the best results with the simplest means". In fact, when you stand at the feet of such an extraordinarily large living being, you wonder how such a magnificent tree can grow from a small seed. The redwood has survived prehistoric eons, a pair of giant lizards that walked the earth millions of years ago. The trees of this genus should remember the T-Rex that shout their battle cries, the brachiosaurs that scratch their necks against the powerful trunks and the pterodactyls that rest in the branches. These titans are the tallest and oldest trees in the world.
The Biggest Trees in the World ! How big it could be ?!
Reviewed by My Blog
September 28, 2019

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