Brad Rich was on the coast of Seward, Alaska, when he saw something incredibly exceptional. He was planning to capture images of neighboring seagulls in his camera. But what did he capture? You will have the chills!
I had chills just watching this. I can't imagine what happened with what he experienced! This clip deserves a watch! As they say, nature can surprise you in many different ways! Fortunately, his camera was on and he managed to capture this rare tape event that we can all see!
While watching it, I felt a bit like watching a thriller. At first, the video is silent, except for the sound of seagulls flying high and the wind.
Like you, I knew what would happen, but I still didn't know what to expect. I was a little nervous. I kept looking and thinking: "When will this happen? How close will they be to the ship?"
It's getting a little away from the ship, so I thought the whales would break about 30 or 40 feet away, but it would still be amazing to see it. Oh no. They weren't 30 feet away!
And there wasn't one! About five or six of these whales crash right next to the boat and people neither see nor hear them until they surface! It's crazy
I can't believe they didn't dump the boat! It is not a big ship! Obviously, they take the ship away from any confusion, but not before it has a fantastic resurgence of these whales that break the surface and make the seagulls go crazy.
He was filming seagulls, when this leaps out of the water? He can’t stop screaming… OMG!
Reviewed by My Blog
September 20, 2019

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